Ismoil Shokirov

Welcome to my personal page


My full name is Ismoil Shokirov, I was born Tashkent city, Uzbekistan. My passion is to create awesome software-applications. Check out my projects here at my github page. Also don't forget to check out my Stackoverflow here. Thank you.

  • - Software development
  • - Cultures and Languages
  • - Sprots and Traveling
  • - Writing blog posts


My experience

Inha University in Tashkent

I have bachelor's degree from Inha University in Tashkent. Major: CSE (Computer Science Engineering). I studied subjects related to CS such as Operating Systems, Computer Algrorithms, Data Structures, Database administration and so on. My average GPA is 4.0/4.5


Senior Software Engineer at EPAM Systems. Currently, I am working for EPAM Systems (Anywhere program). There I work with modern technologies & tools such as React, Next JS, Material UI, Micro-frontend, Typescript, Gitlab & Gitflow, Jira, Confluence and many more.


Software Engineer at AVTECH Distributions 2020-2021. Software Engineer at "Fintechlab UZ" 2018-2020.


I really enjoy traveling. So far I had a chance to visit USA and UAE. I have visited cities as New York, Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Iowa City, Fairfield, Dubai and Abu Dhabi.